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Berita pengelebang bilun MAS MH370 ngemenuhka surat kabar menua tasik


KUALA LUMPUR: Pengelebang bilun Malaysia Airlines (MAS) MH370 terus ngemenuhka mua surat kabar menua tasik kemari.

Ambika bandang surat kabar di Britain, ‘The Independent’ ngayanka topik ‘Stolen passports revelation in Malaysia Airlines crash exposes alarming flaw in flight security,’ seraya ‘The Telegraph’,enggau topik ‘Malaysia plane crash: debris spotted as investigators probe passport link’.

Di Amerika, ‘USA Today’ ngayanka topik ‘Stolen passports on flights common, ‘weak link’, seraya The New York Times mandangka ‘Disparate Theories on Fate of Jet as Search Grows’.

‘The Washington Post’ mai topik ‘Possible debris, but few clues from missing Jet’ enggau ‘Chicago Tribune’ mega topik ‘Missing Malaysian Plane “disintegrated” mid-air’.

Di India, ‘The Times Of India’ nulis “Terror theory for missing Malaysian jet; door spotted’.

Surat kabar ‘The Australian’ ngayanka ‘Vietnam says plane debris spotted’ seraya ‘The Sydney Morning Herald’, ngena topik sindir ‘Can’t immigration officials think?’ Di Filipina, ‘Sun Star Daily’ pan ngengkah topik ‘Suspicious passengers of missing jet checked’. — Bernama
